Wednesday, April 7, 2010

out of it.

hi, I am still here, but really really really struggling. i dont feel like posting much of anything. All I can say is today was a hard day and I feel like i have nobody. But that isnt true, i just need to open up my eyes and see the people who are willing to be there for me. I can and will get through this. Its just really really really hard. Thats all.


Anonymous said...

You absolutely are not alone, darling. It makes me so sad that you feel this way, becasue I know exactly what you're going through. I am here, and I know that a whole bunch of other bloggers are, too. If you need to talk, or need advice or reassurance, feel free to email me.

I hope things get better!

Flavor of Life said...

I feel the same way girlie.. but just know you're not alone, and i'm here for you if you ever need me!

-A <3

Becca said...

stay strong sweetie <3

mariposai said...

You are certainly not alone Maddi. You can get through this difficult time, and don't be afraid to reach out, even if it's only through blogging. People want to help and support wherever possible...

Sarah x

gorgeousinside said...

you're in my prayers sweetie xxxx