made that picure on paint ^.
Welll, I said I was going to take more of a break from blogging...and I sort of did, as in in my mind I didnt have the thought that i needed to make time for blogging. It was just an option, not something I felt like I had to do. So that has been nice, but I do love blogging, and today being Saturday and its only 9 a.m. and I dont have much to do today I decided I would post.
Todays agenda: Fix up the chicken coop. yes, that sounds weird, but we are going to get chicks! We have got them in the past but raccoons or coyotes always got to them, so this time I have to cover the entire coop with chicken wire! It is SUCH and exhausting job, I am NOT looking forward to it, but I really want the chicks and fresh eggs, so its a must.
Make cheese cake. Yes, cheese cake. i used to be a hater of all things cheesy, but I found a recipe yesterday that is extremely low fat and low calorie. Its zesty orange chocolate flavor. And who knows if I will like it, but who cares?? :) Its for lunch with the Poages tomorrow, which is thankfully going to work! I didnt think it would since my mom kept not getting a hold of Mrs. Poage!!
Clean room. Actually my room is not bad at all, but I feel like i need to change my sheets and organize my desk and closet. So I am going to!
Those are the things that I MUST do, then there are other things that i can do if I am bored!
I am so excited for tomorrow! I havent seen Karli in more than a month, waaay too long! But we are going to make sandwiches at my house, then us and the Poages-minus Mr. who is getting home from a business trip to India today and hasnt been feeling good-are going to go down to the river and have a picnic! yay! Perfect birthday celebration in my mind-I dont want any presents, i just want good memory! I will bring my camera for sure, and get some good pictures! The weather is supposed to be really really nice tomorrow, i cant wait. Church, then a picnic, then a bike ride, then (hopefully) a Skype chat with Scott! Just gotta get through today!
I am a little nervous, about certain things. i have lost 9 lbs since i last saw Karli. Ya....I cant say I'm not relapsing....But regardless of how little I may be eating I have still got lots of strength, daily bike rides are proof of that! And stuff with my mother is...hellish. She wrote an awful email to me last night, just ranting about how I am shutting her down, unwilling to work with her, but I AM!!!! :( So things are tough. hence all the bike rides, that way I can escape from the house...and we didnt get to tandem yesterday because my mom started flipping out that it was too late and we needed to make dinner, yaddy, yaddy ya, so i just left and rode my bike alone. :/ But tomorrow I may tandem with my daddy. i hope...I really do.
I dont really know whats going on. I have let everyone down...and I dont want to take a step in the right direction, I dont mind failing, its just me, its my life, I guess you could say i am used to it!
aw your picture you painted is very cute! haha.
CHICKENS!! ahhh so funny, and the cheesecake sounds yummy, lemme know how it is :P
I hope you have loads of fun tomorrow, you sound excited!! :)
... and lastly.. I know you are having a hard time, and may be experiencing a relapse.. but just remember you make choices every day, and you can turn your relapse right around at any point! I'm rooting for you girlie, you have so much life ahead of you, don't waste it on stupid ED!!! <3
-A <3
You haven't let everyone down, you are struggling, yes, but this need not be a disaster. Like Flavor of Life says, you can turn this around. I have seen plenty of evidence in your blog that you are a strong and determined person, and your life is worth more than being dominated by an ED.
Sarah x
Maddi, you can turn this relapse around before it is too late. You need to.
I can't wait to skype tonight!!!!
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