view of Puget Sound from the Amtrak train!
I drove to Tacoma while my dad did computer work. It was pleasant, i just listened to my two new CD's. i was soooo tired tho, only like 3 hours of sleep that night! :/ That was because I stayed up really late having a texting convo with Karli, then Naomi woke me up at 2 a.m. and I couldnt get back to sleep!! Grrr, that is the second night in a row that she has done that! i was SOOOO grateful to sleep in the hotel room this last night-really soft pillows and comforter too! :)
The train ride was nice. I was going to do HW, buuuut, i didnt! Instead I just looked out the window and ate all my bars, except one which I gave to my dad. ya, you read right, I ate them ALL! And I still didnt get to my calorie minimum for the day! But at least I hit xxxx cals finally, i hadnt the past few days. Ya, erm, well I decided to eat them all to get it over with, and also because that way I couldnt be tempted to binge sometime on this trip, so I ate them when I needed them, rather then having them for when i just want them. Make sense?? ;) I had 3 flavors of zbars and a apple pie and cherry pie larabar. yum, I DID enjoy them, regardless of the fact that it was sort of a force feed!
When we got to Vancouver we rode the tandem to the Hilton Hotel, like 3 blocks away. It is SUCH a nice hotel!!! Like crazy...I went swimming for a while in the nice pool, however it was a bit chilly. I still enjoyed it tho. Then off to bed at about 11!
I slept till 6, then got out of bed at 8, and got all ready. my dad was off somewhere doing some work. Then it was Starbucks for breakkie, I got some black coffee and a delicious strawberry blueberry yogurt parfait! :D It was SOOO good! Like, why had I not had these before??? ;p I def. will again, i loved it! :) So great...
Parfait and my mini lappy top! heck to the ya! ;)
I was going to call Karli during her break today since, but she ended up being busy...darn...I used the elliptical in the training room for like 20 mins tho, then my dad and I rode the tandem around. We rode across the bridge to Portland, OR. It was pretty neat! We also got lunch over there(tax free). I got a mini veggie pizza and it was alright. Not amazing or anything, and not very pretty either. But it was cheap, so I wont complain! Then it was back to the hotal, and my dad is about to go to the first meeting, and I need to go do some hw. i tried to do some bible hw before this post but the questions were like unanswerable!!! :/ Whatever, I DO have other stuff to do.
Lunch with dad was good. We had an ok talk, talked a little about how ED has an affect on the whole family, and about Abbi and my relationship with her. i told him how frustrating it was for me that Abbi wont even admit she has a problem, and even tho she is weight restored for the most part she is still sick, but she wont admit it even to herself, so I cant encourage her really.
I'm hoping to talk to Karli later today, I have lots of thoughts and questions I want to express to her, and ask her about. Probly will have to wait till tomorrow tho...:(
Off to the rest of my day! :D Hope everything is well with you wherever you are today! :)
you look sooooo pretty!
Sounds like you are having fun Maddi! I am so glad :)
It is great that you got (close) to your cal goal, and no matter what you eat to get there, it is a great thing!!
Have fun :)
You are beautiful missy :-) and I love your nail polish - is it green? Or blue?
Anyhoo I'm glad you're having fun and spending some quality time with your dad. Congrats on the eating side too, cos you'll need plenty of energy for all that activity ;)
Sarah x
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