Tuesday, April 20, 2010

red is blue...

ok, hi! This will be a boring post...i have not much to tell!
Today was a ho-hum blah kinda day, buuuutt, I passed my drive test!!! :D Yippeee!! that was the best part of the day, I really like my instructor Miss Teddy, she was really nice today and I felt totally relaxed-alley backed and parallel parked PERFECTLY!! :D Awesome...
The rest of the day went slow as molasses...I had 1/3 of the orange dark chocolate Theo bar my sis gave me for my b-day in lunch. that was super tasty, I certainly savored it. I also passed around the hazelnut milk chocolate bar to people because I didnt like it! (crazy, I know...i used to adore milk choco. and I didnt even like it!) It was fun to see the different mix of people, some liked it and some didnt! :)
After school I packed for my adventure with my dad that starts tomorrow! he was invited to and ESD(educational service district) conference in Vancouver, WA, and hes letting me join him! We leave tomorrow and take the train from Tacoma, and return Saturday. Its an awful lot of traveling but I LOVE amtrak train rides-so much fun!!
I will put up posts and pictures about this fun mini vaca!!! Sorry, no pics this post....like I said, a very blah post...;) the following ones should be more interesting tho! :)
ED is continuing to rule my life right now...:.( I am powerless, I almost passed out when I ran 5 feet to catch a ball during soft ball today. I usually play first base but I was so tired i played outfield so I wouldnt have to do anything. Btw, I dont play on a team, this is just a highschool elective at my school, and we play twice a week, last period of the day. Also it sucked because I bruised my arm with a bat that was too big...I would explain but I dont think it would make sense! My elbow/arm certainly hurts tho...
Off to bed now, tomorrow is a VERY long day, but it should be an easy day physically because I will be sitting the almost entire time! Blah, anywhoo, goodnight!


mariposai said...

Congrats on the driving! And is your instructor really called Miss Teddy? That is so adorable hehe ;)

Looking forward to hearing about your vacation with your dad, and keep fighting the ED!

Sarah x

Walking thru Sunflowers said...

Congrats on passing your road test!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope u have a great vacation!!!!!!!!!!!! xo aim

Flavor of Life said...

awww, yay for driving!!!! SO exciting! congrats! Not to sound like everyone else, but I hope you have a great vacation! Make sure you enjoy yourself!!
Sorry you're having such a hard time w/ ED.. keep fighting! You gotta find a way to get your motivation up!
Don't give up girlie!

-A <3