When I got home I ate a carrot cake cliff bar and a cool mint chocolate cliff bar!! My 2/3 favorite kind, the third being white chocolate macadamia nut. No, this wasnt a binge, this was very intentional because I knew the rest of the day was going to call for some extra energy!!
I read some blogs, checked my email, etc, then woke up the kiddos. Omg, they would not get out of bed today!! But I finally coaxed them out with the idea of frozen gogurts and a super fun time playing outside. They got up and got just what I promised them! We swung outside, there is a pic up there. Btw, Naomi's hair is still really short but not because we cut it!! They shaved it like right before we went and got her and it is just taking a suuuper long time to grow out! But it is lookin pretty good considering she was basically bald when we first got her! ;) While the littles ran around some more I took some pictures of flowers and such. I have SUCH a cheap camera, but I did my best with what I had! After that I got my bike out of the shed, sprayed it(it was FILTHY!), fixed the broken petal, and blew up the flat tires, all by myself! I was pretty proud of myself since in the past it has been my dad who does that, but he wasnt home, and I did just fine on my own!
My mom got home so I went on my long awaited bike ride, the first one of 2010. IT. WAS. SO. FUN. Seriously, I died with happiness, its still with me now, hasnt worn off yet! :D Its amazing what a bike ride can do, that is if you love it! I rode probably about 6-11 miles. I really am so bad at estimating, i have no clue, but I am thinking it must be somewhere in there! I would have loved to have just kept going, but I knew there wasnt time and really i am not physically fit enough to push myself so far so long, so i went home. I took a great route tho, it was soooo beautiful, went down a long back street and was able to get to the loop trail. LOVED it!
When I got home the goodness didnt stop!! I talked to MAry, FINALLY!!!! It had been waaay too long, we just chatted a bit, nothing deep, but I told her I did want to talk more, just it would be akward to jump into "big" stuff so quick, and we were both really tired. Then I took a long relaxing shower, and got in bed to read blogs, and discovered I won the Beautiful award(separate post on that in a moment. (I dont even really get how to do them)
This was just a really happy post, no ED thoughts to write right now, maybe tomorrow I will post how I have been doing, but since I am living a day at a time, and today was a great day, that is what I am posting about! Hope you enjoyed the flower pictures!! :D
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