So I have had lots of thoughts this morning. I really want to melt down, not go to church, hide away from all people until I have lost 15 pounds, etc.. but i know that I cant do that. I want to believe these positive thoughts that i have had. That weight DOES NOT matter. It doesnt matter what the scale says, or how clothes fits, God still loves me for who i am. Also, a lot of the reason I want to loose weight is that I want to look sck, i want that attention. Guess what?? First of all, I've already been there, done that, and i didnt get ANY attention, except for the occasional comment that I was really bony....But nobody asked if I waas ok or anything. I get all trembly, thinking that I am wasting my life away wanting people to feel bad for me. I want that attention, i need that attention. But i also need to accept that I cant have it. I cant waste my life looking for what I cant get. i have potential, i can do great things, but not if i waste my time trying to loose weight again. Or binging. I need to use food for its purpose: to give me life, not abuse it.
i hate ED!!! i wish anorexia was as simple as us just being vain. i wish it were as simple as that. if it were I could overcome it and know it was sin, and knock it off. But for most of us it is more than that. It is a comfort. Food, our control over it, is a safe thing. Anorexics dont just become anorexic because they feel like it. Gosh, if i knew what hell this was I would NEVER have let myself fall into this, but it wasnt a choice. it just...happened. ya, my body image has ALWAYS sucked, since at least 4th grade, but it never stopped me from eating! I distinctly remember the day I stopped eating. it was 2 days after our little girl died....and a lady at our school wrote me a letter...and for some reason that just upset me so much, and it was right before lunch but i didnt eat, i had completely lost my appetite. Then the next few days I didnt eat much...then I kept going, and after a few days stepped on the scale, and saw that I had lost some pounds. And after that it became my game, my escape from reality. Instead of thinking about the fact that my sister was dead and my best friend was moving away, i focused on the weight dropping. I didnt know a thing about calories. Not a single thing. But I threw away food, I pretended to eat so my parents wouldn't find out what i was doing, I exercised, I did everything and anything i could to make the number on the scale go down. I put all of my energy into it. and I felt HAPPY. I imagined life would be ok, I knew what I was doing wasnt right, but I kept going. And it was all good until the end of that summer my mom brought me to a therapist. And from there I have gained weight, i am healthier, and I am hating my life more than i ever have before....
I wish my mom hadnt forced me to go. i wanted to keep living the life i was, as pointless as it was. But something had to change....I want it back, i want that safety back, and i dont know what to do , because my T told me all of these things about calories, and how weight loss works, and in a way it has ruined the thrill of loosing weight.
I am right now at a much higher weight than i want to be. i cant stand it, i cant stand myself, I want out of my own body. but I will maintain where I am for a week at least. Then see where I will go from there....I want to go back. i really really want to. Every time i have tried in the past couple months I end up stopping myself. This time tho, i dont want to stop myself....
I am so proud of you missy :-)
That took real courage to stand up against the ED and do the right thing, and you did it! Go you!
The only way to get well is to learn how to eat enough to sustain ourselves and get to a healthy weight..and stay there.
Remember that you are Maddi, not some arbitrary number on a silly scale. Keep striving for health and happiness.
Sarah x
Wow, what an amazing post. You are very wise! I'm so glad you ate breakfast, it really is the right thing to do.
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