Wednesday, April 28, 2010

busy day!

heyo! I am at school right now, but I just finished all my homework(except Biology studying) :)

Today is SUCH a busy day! :/ But like, not the good kind of busy. Immediately after school I have to go to Kristin's to work on a biology project...and we dont even have a clue what we are doing!!! may not be so great. Then whenever I get home I have to do lots of chores, and then pack for tomorrow and Friday in Seattle. Grrr, I have lots of chores because my mom didnt tell me about mine until late, so I was too tired and mentally prepared for bed, so I promised I would do them today! :/

School today has been soooo long! And still one more period! :( I have a Apple Pie Larabar to enjoy after tho, I dont feel too hungry, but I am definitely n0t eating enough. I have to eat something! Today its been some plain oatmeal and a square of chocolate...Theo Chocolate-dark cherry almond flavor!

I actually finished making my notebook last night! Well, the cover that is...I cant wait to fill some pages! The pages are going to be collages too. Its kinda ugly, I am terrible at making collages. Its one art thing I certainly cannot do very well, but I like it! The cover-front and back-has little pictures and things that represent the things I love! :)

Well, I have got to go! Hope your Wednesday has been more good then not!


fastbikes16 said...

Aahh maddi have a great time in SEATTLE!! And don't gorget to try Cafe Vita or Victorola k?


P.S. Eat that larabar! You need it :)

mariposai said...

Your notebook sounds cool! And collages rule :-) I made loads during my recovery, and I found it really fun to do all that cutting and sticking. Who cares whether it looks good or not, the point is that you enjoy doing it :-D

Sarah x