Thursday, April 29, 2010

A boring day in the city...

Ya, well, today was very boring...Woke up early, drove across the pass with my mom and sis, then sat around Children's Hospital while my mom and Naomi were in appointments. I worked on my collage, checked my email and such, and slept. We were there from about 10:30 to 2:30. Ya...long time. :p
My appt. was at 4:25, so we drove around and Naomi fell asleep so we went to a park and I got out and walked a bit. It was really pretty, I took some photos which I will post once I am home on my own computer!
Then my appt. which was basically REALLY unproductive as I am starving and didnt really have much to say, and all she said was stuff I have heard before...blah, but I have another one tomorrow. Kind of neat having two in a row! But ya, not really looking forward to it so much. I plan to have breakie at Starbucks tomorrow, a cup of black coffee and a yogurt parfait. And a cherry Larabar for lunch! :)
I am so bored, and so tired, I think I will watch some TV since I dont have it at home, maybe work on my collage for a while, then go to bed. I do have a lot of thoughts tho, which I really should write about, thoughts about life, but I dont really have time right now!
I hope you all have been having great weeks! I cant wait to put up some pictures!(my posts have all been pictureless lately :/)

1 comment:

fastbikes16 said...

Keep fighting Maddi, you can do this. I can't wait to skype with you! It has been forever!!!
