Happy Saturday before Easter! :) I can actually say that to somebody now because I have followers!!!! :D When I started this blog it never even crossed my mind that anybody would actually care to read it! :)
This loverly, lazy, Easter break is coming to an end. :( But beside the whole first weekend I have enjoyed the early mornings with just me, my breakie(of which I will snap a pic of tomorrow for once!), and my bible. When breakfast and an hour laying in bed is complete I get up and take a walk along the loop trail for a couple hours. Usually following that is some computer time and some drawing, then its dinner and a late night, with a movie! :) I have been sooo unproductive, but its been nice! :)
I went on a walk earlier even tho it was really cold. I stopped at the 7 Eleven on the way to the trail and bought this Mounds bar, and then i gave my couple dollars of change to the hobo who i pass a lot! :) It was so random, I was just walking by him opening my bar, and I thought, I bet he is hungry! The poor guy, it was so cold, he was bundled in his one blanket, i felt so bad so i just asked him if he wanted some money and walked over to him and gave it to him! He is a sweet guy, I wish I could get to know him, he always smiles at me when I pass, and I dont ever see him smoking or anything like you would expect, instead he is usually reading, or one time he was eating something. It was fun to bless someone randomly like that tho!
Tonight we are going to the Milners for dinner. Ahhh, I always get scared when we are invited places, not knowing what we are going to have, but I am not so anxious about it because I know what we are having and it is "safe". Taco bar! that means I get to serve myself, instead of the host dishing it, so that is one plus. Also all of the food is healthy, thats another plus, and also I know the calorie count for everything that could be at a taco bar, so i wont have to worry a bit about going over. Yay! The one thing I AM anxious about is eating with Abbi, but really i'm not even concerned about that so much anymore. A few months ago maybe, but i have been eating lunch with her every day at school lately, and just a few days ago i was over at her house and she ate, and I ate, and it was all fine! :) So I really have nothing to worry about, in my head I know that even if there is dessert offered, i can accept it or decline it, it doesnt really matter what she thinks, and I know she is in a better place where she wont give me a hard time if I say no. I have to do several chores in order to go, so im going to get cracking on those in a few! ;) I really cant wait tho, I was hoping we could get together today, so this is fantastic, even if its not so much what i was hoping for, which would have been to have more time, it still works!
Easter....I dont even have anything cute to wear for service! :( Not like I would want to buy anything new, I would just feel fat in it. So I have no clue what I am going to do, but Sunday, especially Easter Sunday, is focused on God. Although I have a major lack in the cute clothes department, I still really LOVE Easter, its my favorite holiday besides Christmas! I really just want to not have to stress about food tho. :/ i think everything will be fine. My mom doesnt have any extravegant plans, I know what lunch will be tomorrow, I will probs just minimize my breakfast, oh, that means no pic of it for tomorrow because I wont be having that! ;0 so ya, no plans, but hopefully the sun will be shinning and it will be a happy day! :)
Happy Easter!
Do any of you have plans for the day?? :) Do share!
1 comment:
so sweet you gave that money to the homeless man <3 i love doing that :]
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