A necklace I made
Well, ya, I am 16 now!!! Wow....Its hard to believe...and to be honest I didnt WANT to turn 16...I'm trying not to think about that too much tho, but I feel like I have been on this earth for 16 years and rather then making anything better, I have just made the few things I have any say in worse...:( Sorry, totally pathetic..On to yesterday and today!
Yesterday was the most fun and happy day of 2010!! I'm not even kidding, this year has been pretty abysmal anyway, but thats not what made it the best. It probably would have been the best even if it was a good 2010!!
First off, I had a relaxing morning. Got up early enough to get on the computer, laze around, lay in bed...it was pleasant. I skipped breakfast, I could have had something but I was anxious about later, since food was involved...lame I know, but really my ED didnt ruin my day!
We went to church, omg, it was a REALLY moving sermon...gosh...it was all about having idols and things in our lives that take the forefront instead of God. I was thinking of things i have put ahead of God...it was overwhelming, and i felt like crap, but then I remembered that God IS so merciful, and even tho I constantly push Him away, he still graciously reaches His hands out to me. There was a really moving song afterword too, i couldnt sing, I just leaned against the pew, I felt like God was really there! Anywhoo, on to the rest of the day!
We came home, my mom had stayed home to prepare the picnic, and got out all of our bikes, and hooked the kiddos up to my dads bike in the little pully thing. Then me, my sis, and my dad and the littles rode our bikes along the loop till we got to Walla Walla park. Btw, my older bro had work so he couldnt join us...:( He even forgot to say happy b-day to me when I saw him this morning! lol, I'm not really offended tho... So ya, we biked to the park and the Poages(the family who I LOVE SOOOO much!!) were there, and they had set up towels next to a picnic table, and even had some balloons! :)
My mom showed up in the car a few minutes later and we set up the sandwhich bar and had our picnic! I had a couple baby carrots and a mini bagel and a few grapes. :/ really I couldnt push myself to have more, even tho there was pineapple and strawberries and chips, thats all I had. And a Hans diet lime tangerine soda! mmmh, goodness, my mom NEVER buys soda of any kind!
After the meal we played around at the park a little. Karli was running around with the littles while jay, bri, C, and I sat on top of the monkey bars! Sorry Kar! lol, it was pretty funny! The Poages brought their kayaks along so we got them in the water and Jayy and I got into one kayak(we are both small so we fit in a single) and Karli got in the other. It was SOOO fun!!!! I absolutely LOVE kayaking, the last time I did it was in the ocean in Mexico. I had a blast, we took turns rowing! :) Loooved it so much!
Jay and I got bored after a little while, and it was so hot(i forgot to mention how PERFECT the weather was) so we debated swimming with our clothes on...haha....and we kinda did...We waded in to our hips,then dipped quickly a few times, each time getting lower, and we ended up getting to our necks, with our arms IN the water, and just stayed there! And it WASNT that cold!!! Seriously, we didnt really feel cold at all, and we would have actually swam, but then Karli had to leave for work and they wanted me to open my present and I wanted to say good bye to her!
We were soaking wet, but it was all good, we still werent cold. For my present they got me a ADORABLE little wallet type purse. Omg, I will post a picture soon I totally forgot. Also I got two CD's- one from 10th Avenue North, a christian band and Mrs. Poages favorite CD. And the this other CD by a newer gal named Holly. Apparently Karli knows her...I havent listened to that one yet so I dont know about it but I really love the 10th Ave N. one! :)
Then Karli left and we biked to the Owl Drug and Soda Fountain after packing all the stuff up. We got there ten minutes before they closed!!! I got a rainbow sherbet scoop in a cup...and it was WAY too big of a serving...:/ i felt extremely guilty after, but riding my bike to the Poages house with Jaymie after helped a little. At there house we just waited for the adults who were loading up their bikes and driving home, then they took me home, and it was later then I thought so i only got to chat with Scott for about 10 minutes. darn! I was tired tho and ready for bed! And if you are still reading I am AMAZED! ;)
Today I got lots of birthday wishes from people, a couple gifts, and when I got home i made a thankyou card for the Poages and biked over to their house to deliver it, and stopped in and said hi also! :) Not for long tho, they had bible study.
Lunch today was special tho, my mom took me to a restaurant called the huckleberry, where I ordered a egg white veggie omelet. It was tasty! Didnt eat the hashbrowns tho-I dont like those!
Tonight, pretty soon actually, we are going to have the cheese cake my mom managed to make. And I might get a present or two! :) Although I don't exactly want to be 16, 15 was just dandy, I have to take it and live with it, and honestly, yesterday WAS a day worth being alive for. <3>
Happy birthday! Sweet sixteen eh? ;)
Sounds like you had a lovely day, and I hope you have many more, lovelier days in future.
Aw, I love your last sentence...there's lots more worth being alive for yet to come :-)
Sarah x
Believe me , it is great to be 16 - when you get to my age,well...actually, its STILL GREAT, to be here,alive,living and overcoming the ED day by day!
I am so happy that you had a lovely day with family and friends and managed to eat a little, not let the ED totally control your day, despite you feeling anxious regarding the food.
You are so right - God IS merciful and gracious LOVES YOU, He does not love the ED, but He loves you, the person He created who will one day be FREE!!
Jennifer xx
ahhhh i hope you had a wonderful, ED-free sweet sixteen!! <3
I could have sworn I commented on this!!! Ugh.. :/
I am glad you had such a great bday! And know that you can be ED free this time next year. It will be a distant memory. :)
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