Thursday, April 29, 2010
A boring day in the city...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
busy day!
Today is SUCH a busy day! :/ But like, not the good kind of busy. Immediately after school I have to go to Kristin's to work on a biology project...and we dont even have a clue what we are doing!!! may not be so great. Then whenever I get home I have to do lots of chores, and then pack for tomorrow and Friday in Seattle. Grrr, I have lots of chores because my mom didnt tell me about mine until late, so I was too tired and mentally prepared for bed, so I promised I would do them today! :/
School today has been soooo long! And still one more period! :( I have a Apple Pie Larabar to enjoy after tho, I dont feel too hungry, but I am definitely n0t eating enough. I have to eat something! Today its been some plain oatmeal and a square of chocolate...Theo Chocolate-dark cherry almond flavor!
I actually finished making my notebook last night! Well, the cover that is...I cant wait to fill some pages! The pages are going to be collages too. Its kinda ugly, I am terrible at making collages. Its one art thing I certainly cannot do very well, but I like it! The cover-front and back-has little pictures and things that represent the things I love! :)
Well, I have got to go! Hope your Wednesday has been more good then not!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
feelin better.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Night and Day
Soooo, where did I leave off last post?? How bout feeling like a miserable, nothing, wretch?? Ya, it was somewhere along those lines.
I went to bed early, and laid there for a while, and the thoughts of wanting to kill myself wouldnt leave. I turned on some music and that didnt help. I couldnt get it out of my head. I kept getting this terrible anxious/shaky sensation whenever i thought about the future, and the past, and how messed up I was, and how I had messed up so bad this weekend and wanted to go back, and redo it all. I didnt know how to distract myself from thinking about these things. For a while I listened to the lyrics of the music I was listening to, a CD called "Embraced" by Holly Starr. But the words just discouraged me more, because it was about coming to God, and I have lost it all, so I couldnt stand listening. Then imagining how I could kill myself(not like i really could) helped some, it was a distraction, but then I got all shaky thinking about death and how irreversible it is...So I finally couldnt take it anymore and got out of bed and slashed my wrist a few times. And gosh...that let out a lot. i felt able to breath again. yes. I felt terrible, i hate that self-harm was the only way I could think to stop the painful thoughts. I HATE that. I will always have the scars to remind me of what i have done...It will always be a reminder to me also of just how unhappy I get, how depressed I get, when I binge. Perhaps it will prevent me from binging in the future?? I hope...
Ya, well, today I got a lot done. Chores, homework, babysitting, went for a walk, then a quicky bike ride with my dad and the littles, and succeeded in not eating anything the whole day. And tomorrow I will have 200 cal. And jump upward 200 more per day each day until I am at 1200 a day, then I will stay there. My first goal weight can be hit by Sunday. I can go to church and feel ok with my body. Then my REAL goal weight can be hit by next Friday. i am sick. i am so so sick. Who do I have to blame but myself??
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Another day I dont want to live!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Angry...for various reasons...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Vancouver! :)
view of Puget Sound from the Amtrak train!
I drove to Tacoma while my dad did computer work. It was pleasant, i just listened to my two new CD's. i was soooo tired tho, only like 3 hours of sleep that night! :/ That was because I stayed up really late having a texting convo with Karli, then Naomi woke me up at 2 a.m. and I couldnt get back to sleep!! Grrr, that is the second night in a row that she has done that! i was SOOOO grateful to sleep in the hotel room this last night-really soft pillows and comforter too! :)
The train ride was nice. I was going to do HW, buuuut, i didnt! Instead I just looked out the window and ate all my bars, except one which I gave to my dad. ya, you read right, I ate them ALL! And I still didnt get to my calorie minimum for the day! But at least I hit xxxx cals finally, i hadnt the past few days. Ya, erm, well I decided to eat them all to get it over with, and also because that way I couldnt be tempted to binge sometime on this trip, so I ate them when I needed them, rather then having them for when i just want them. Make sense?? ;) I had 3 flavors of zbars and a apple pie and cherry pie larabar. yum, I DID enjoy them, regardless of the fact that it was sort of a force feed!
When we got to Vancouver we rode the tandem to the Hilton Hotel, like 3 blocks away. It is SUCH a nice hotel!!! Like crazy...I went swimming for a while in the nice pool, however it was a bit chilly. I still enjoyed it tho. Then off to bed at about 11!
I slept till 6, then got out of bed at 8, and got all ready. my dad was off somewhere doing some work. Then it was Starbucks for breakkie, I got some black coffee and a delicious strawberry blueberry yogurt parfait! :D It was SOOO good! Like, why had I not had these before??? ;p I def. will again, i loved it! :) So great...
Parfait and my mini lappy top! heck to the ya! ;)
I was going to call Karli during her break today since, but she ended up being busy...darn...I used the elliptical in the training room for like 20 mins tho, then my dad and I rode the tandem around. We rode across the bridge to Portland, OR. It was pretty neat! We also got lunch over there(tax free). I got a mini veggie pizza and it was alright. Not amazing or anything, and not very pretty either. But it was cheap, so I wont complain! Then it was back to the hotal, and my dad is about to go to the first meeting, and I need to go do some hw. i tried to do some bible hw before this post but the questions were like unanswerable!!! :/ Whatever, I DO have other stuff to do.
Lunch with dad was good. We had an ok talk, talked a little about how ED has an affect on the whole family, and about Abbi and my relationship with her. i told him how frustrating it was for me that Abbi wont even admit she has a problem, and even tho she is weight restored for the most part she is still sick, but she wont admit it even to herself, so I cant encourage her really.
I'm hoping to talk to Karli later today, I have lots of thoughts and questions I want to express to her, and ask her about. Probly will have to wait till tomorrow tho...:(
Off to the rest of my day! :D Hope everything is well with you wherever you are today! :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
red is blue...
Monday, April 19, 2010
16!!! AHHH!
A necklace I made
Well, ya, I am 16 now!!! Wow....Its hard to believe...and to be honest I didnt WANT to turn 16...I'm trying not to think about that too much tho, but I feel like I have been on this earth for 16 years and rather then making anything better, I have just made the few things I have any say in worse...:( Sorry, totally pathetic..On to yesterday and today!
Yesterday was the most fun and happy day of 2010!! I'm not even kidding, this year has been pretty abysmal anyway, but thats not what made it the best. It probably would have been the best even if it was a good 2010!!
First off, I had a relaxing morning. Got up early enough to get on the computer, laze around, lay in was pleasant. I skipped breakfast, I could have had something but I was anxious about later, since food was involved...lame I know, but really my ED didnt ruin my day!
We went to church, omg, it was a REALLY moving was all about having idols and things in our lives that take the forefront instead of God. I was thinking of things i have put ahead of was overwhelming, and i felt like crap, but then I remembered that God IS so merciful, and even tho I constantly push Him away, he still graciously reaches His hands out to me. There was a really moving song afterword too, i couldnt sing, I just leaned against the pew, I felt like God was really there! Anywhoo, on to the rest of the day!
We came home, my mom had stayed home to prepare the picnic, and got out all of our bikes, and hooked the kiddos up to my dads bike in the little pully thing. Then me, my sis, and my dad and the littles rode our bikes along the loop till we got to Walla Walla park. Btw, my older bro had work so he couldnt join us...:( He even forgot to say happy b-day to me when I saw him this morning! lol, I'm not really offended tho... So ya, we biked to the park and the Poages(the family who I LOVE SOOOO much!!) were there, and they had set up towels next to a picnic table, and even had some balloons! :)
My mom showed up in the car a few minutes later and we set up the sandwhich bar and had our picnic! I had a couple baby carrots and a mini bagel and a few grapes. :/ really I couldnt push myself to have more, even tho there was pineapple and strawberries and chips, thats all I had. And a Hans diet lime tangerine soda! mmmh, goodness, my mom NEVER buys soda of any kind!
After the meal we played around at the park a little. Karli was running around with the littles while jay, bri, C, and I sat on top of the monkey bars! Sorry Kar! lol, it was pretty funny! The Poages brought their kayaks along so we got them in the water and Jayy and I got into one kayak(we are both small so we fit in a single) and Karli got in the other. It was SOOO fun!!!! I absolutely LOVE kayaking, the last time I did it was in the ocean in Mexico. I had a blast, we took turns rowing! :) Loooved it so much!
Jay and I got bored after a little while, and it was so hot(i forgot to mention how PERFECT the weather was) so we debated swimming with our clothes on...haha....and we kinda did...We waded in to our hips,then dipped quickly a few times, each time getting lower, and we ended up getting to our necks, with our arms IN the water, and just stayed there! And it WASNT that cold!!! Seriously, we didnt really feel cold at all, and we would have actually swam, but then Karli had to leave for work and they wanted me to open my present and I wanted to say good bye to her!
We were soaking wet, but it was all good, we still werent cold. For my present they got me a ADORABLE little wallet type purse. Omg, I will post a picture soon I totally forgot. Also I got two CD's- one from 10th Avenue North, a christian band and Mrs. Poages favorite CD. And the this other CD by a newer gal named Holly. Apparently Karli knows her...I havent listened to that one yet so I dont know about it but I really love the 10th Ave N. one! :)
Then Karli left and we biked to the Owl Drug and Soda Fountain after packing all the stuff up. We got there ten minutes before they closed!!! I got a rainbow sherbet scoop in a cup...and it was WAY too big of a serving...:/ i felt extremely guilty after, but riding my bike to the Poages house with Jaymie after helped a little. At there house we just waited for the adults who were loading up their bikes and driving home, then they took me home, and it was later then I thought so i only got to chat with Scott for about 10 minutes. darn! I was tired tho and ready for bed! And if you are still reading I am AMAZED! ;)
Today I got lots of birthday wishes from people, a couple gifts, and when I got home i made a thankyou card for the Poages and biked over to their house to deliver it, and stopped in and said hi also! :) Not for long tho, they had bible study.
Lunch today was special tho, my mom took me to a restaurant called the huckleberry, where I ordered a egg white veggie omelet. It was tasty! Didnt eat the hashbrowns tho-I dont like those!
Tonight, pretty soon actually, we are going to have the cheese cake my mom managed to make. And I might get a present or two! :) Although I don't exactly want to be 16, 15 was just dandy, I have to take it and live with it, and honestly, yesterday WAS a day worth being alive for. <3>
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010
Stuff with my mom is going to be a bit harder, she just doesnt understand me AT ALL! And I feel like she is still so unwilling to....change. :( Things are so hard with her, except this last week, whenever she wants to fight I just, instead of listening to instinct or what I think is right, I have just agreed with whatever she wants to say. I know its not really the right thing to do, but its the only thing I CAN do right now, she is already under a lot of stress, I dont want her to feel like our relationship is getting worse!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Take a break maybe?
Sooo, the title is because I am thinking about taking at least a week break from the computer. I am on it SOOOO much, i feel like I am missing out on some things, like watching my little brother and sister grow, and getting out of the house more. Like, blogging and meeting wonderful people has been sooo nice, and I will REALLY miss that, but hey, its only like a week. It's not like I will be gone forever! I just feel like i need to sort of "refocus" my life a bit. Instead seems like my focus is 1.) Food, and 2.) blogging. Ironic how thats what i am doing right now! :p I hate the idea of not blogging, I really DO love it, but the best thing for me seems to be a break. Get back into real life a little more. Enjoy what is around me instead of hunkering into my own little world. i really am happier when I am around people. I AM a people person, my ED just doesnt want me to believe that, and wants me to seclude myself. Today I went to the grocery store with my mom, and i could have stayed home but i chose to go, and I enjoyed her company and being with the littles(my name for Samuel and Naomi btw, without always having to name them! :) ) I even got some larabars-they were on sale 4 for $5! :) So...basically this is a hard decision to make buuuut, I will just take it a day at a time!
My new resolve is this: To live life one day at a time, not dwelling in the past or fretting about the future. I dont know why i didnt think of this before, but I am so glad I have made this resolve! I was being suffocated by life, all the bad things, and when I wasnt thinking about that I was worrying about what my future held for me! What kind of life is that??? I'll tell you this: it is miserable!
I want to live in the now. The present is what matters, making a difference every day, making everyday a separate day. And I cant tell you how much it has helped! I was suffocating, and now I feel like I can breath, knowing that I dont have to focus on what might happen wrong next. Instead I think about what is right at the now. SOooo, lots is right today! Lots is wrong, granted, but I am not focusing on those things. It doesnt mean they dont matter, they DO matter, and I am doing everything in my power to change them, but they dont change in an instant, so i wont focus on them when i can be thinking about good things!
Good things today were...well, I failed my drive test, PooP! That sucks since I have to pay for another one, but I was just sooo nervous so I just didnt drive very well! :( Sorry, that wasnt a good thing, I just had to share, lol! :) But today I had a fun walk/talk with Abbi. We didnt talk about anything deep, but I enjoyed it! And in Mr. T's classes we are watching Ben Hur, which is a old movie, but it is pretty good! And i got LARABARS, the Hazelnut Theo Chocolate Bar, and my fave three clif bar flavors at Fred Meyer's this afternoon! YAY! :) I want to post a pic...but that will have to wait! I cant wait to eat them!
Ok, well, really I can wait to eat them...I havent been doing so well in the food department...but I dont want to dwell on that, I have the hopes that it will just work itself out, like I will just eventually get hungry, and want to eat, and still be at an ok weight, and yady yaddy ya. :/ Fooey, I am so happy right now tho, I dont want to have to worry about it so much.
All in all, I think I am making a big step, choosing to live my life this way, with this new take on it, rather than how I was before. i am scared, excited, feeling challenged, and also somewhat relieved, that I really CAN do this! And so can all of you! :)
I dont know if i will post tomorrow, like I said, living life one day at a time, so we will see where this river takes me! Love you all!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Screw ED!!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
dAy UNO.
*Draw *Dance(ya, weird I know put i love putting on loud music and dancing my heart out, even tho i really cant dance, lol) *walk (short ones mind you) *clean( i actually like cleaning, its relaxing!) *blog(doing that!) *watch movies(not a big fan of movie watching, but I may get pretty tired so its a good option) *play with the kids *bake(love baking) *drive(thats a must since my test drive is this week, I need practise!) *read *homework(yes, over the weekend :() *make dinner *organize closet *bead *make a collage *journal *read the bible *chores *swing
thats it minus a couple ya, this should be a productive 3 days I believe. I cant really believe I am doing this..I mean seriously, what would i think if a recovering anorexic came up to me and told me they were doing a three day fast?? Well, if they were way unhealthy I would tell them no way, and i guess if they were healthy I would tell them to watch out! I confuse myself, I know why I am doing this tho. 1.)to loose the excess weight i may have gained from those un-fun binge episodes, and 2.) to "re-establish" my relationship with food. and maybe 3.) To prove to myself that I DO have control, because the last few days were proving me otherwise. I am super nervous about that third one. What will happen if i let myself down and loose control?? i think that would super duperly depress me. Thats why I wrote that list, so when i feel hungry I can do those things, rather than loose control. I think reason 2 and 3 are the main reasons for this fast. I just really really hope it goes as planned, i am a little anxious. but enough dwelling on that, I have so much to do today, i am going to get the MUST things done first, like homework and chores. Have a happy day everyone!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
NOT right.