Ah today. Today was a very funny day!! And I wont go into to many details, but it involved phones, bad boys, a trip to the principles office, and skipping class. And o my gosh, I cant stop laughing about it!! Long story short I got in trouble for something not bad, but got sent to the office with 3 boys who had done the thing I did but in a BAD way, then I had the pleasure of putting my principle(who is very full of himself) in a corner as he didnt know how to answer the question I had asked that basically showed him he was wrong about what he was telling us we were doing. Ah, then class was almost over so we just went to the locker room and talked and laughed for 20 minutes till lunch...hahaha, I couldnt stop laughing after lunch. I kept giggling. Honestly I could go thank Mr. D for making my day interesting and worth smiling about for once in the year!!! And no, I wasnt intending to make him look like a fool, it was a honest question, but it sort of did in the end, and I just cant help but laugh!!
I wont be going to gym tonight-low weight + out of town visitors, so just loafing, doing a little homework, and just whatever. Thank the Lord for a good day tho!! :) I am just so happy that something was different, even tho it wasnt exactly positive!! lol, shows how good can come out of "bad."
Eating wise i just havent been feeling hungry, which is a good thing considering I want to lose weight. And I didnt feel AS fat today. Just better all in all. The sun is shinning out tho, and I will go do my homework. O ya, and I talked to Mary and told her about my day, and she is calling me back later because she has something to tell me.
Off to a lazy wazy evening! :)
1 comment:
haha Maddie that story sounds ridic funny!!! i dont know the details but it sounds like a load of fun and so silly you are adorable lovie!!
enjoy your night beautiful girl
love you so much
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