Soooo, this seems a bit early in the day to be posting, but I am afraid I am not gonna get another chance, so I better fly with it! ;) I have a big biology test to study for, then my mom and I are going to the running start meeting at 6:30. Usually I put studying off until later, but lately I havent had the energy to stay up for that "later", so I need to get that done now, and I really need an A! I have an A in that class, but its a low one, so I just want to ensure that it will stay there!! Mostly I just need to memorize the vocab words and that is fairly easy. I also have a math assignment. :/
Last nights dinner was mango chicken stirfry. I had a half cup of the stir fry w/ out chicken, and 1/4 cup white rice. The mango was delicious! my mom said it was better fresh tho, and unfortunately I had to wait till after drivers ed to eat it. Also I was trying to enjoy my dinner and my mom comes and checks on me so I tell her to please leave me be and instead she just blows up in my face and tells me I am being paranoid and selfish and I was supposed to read books to Samuel!!I was NOT being paranoid, I just wanted to enjoy my dinner without her standing over my shoulder! Whats the matter with that?!?!? And I was sooo hungry, i just wanted to eat first, THEN I would have read to Samuel. Its not like it takes me that long to eat, and it would have been much faster if she hadnt so rudely interrupted! bleh....
So I have been feeling tired today, but not as much, and I didnt have any of those weird chest pains. I had a garlic chicken lean pocket today-minus the chicken, and a mini luna bar-yum! Also I just finished a peanut butter TLC bar for snack. I also had one last night at like 9 because I was so below my cal minimum that I decided I should try to get a little bit closer at least. So I did, and I felt bad afterward, but my body really needed it. For breakkie I made what I did yesterday, my blended blueberry creation.
Abbi and I might go see Alice in Wonderland this Saturday. I'm not sure. Is it worth seeing in theaters?? I just dont have money to spend on seeing movies in the theaters, so I am very picky about the movies i see.
Well, i didnt have a lot to say...but I should go and study like I need to, and I am glad I just get to lay down and relax a bit. So ya, have a good Thursday!!

So I have been feeling tired today, but not as much, and I didnt have any of those weird chest pains. I had a garlic chicken lean pocket today-minus the chicken, and a mini luna bar-yum! Also I just finished a peanut butter TLC bar for snack. I also had one last night at like 9 because I was so below my cal minimum that I decided I should try to get a little bit closer at least. So I did, and I felt bad afterward, but my body really needed it. For breakkie I made what I did yesterday, my blended blueberry creation.
Abbi and I might go see Alice in Wonderland this Saturday. I'm not sure. Is it worth seeing in theaters?? I just dont have money to spend on seeing movies in the theaters, so I am very picky about the movies i see.
Well, i didnt have a lot to say...but I should go and study like I need to, and I am glad I just get to lay down and relax a bit. So ya, have a good Thursday!!
Hey Maddi,
I tried to post a comment on last night's post but my phone wouldn't load the page :( (I was just going to bed) So I like the earlier post time :]
I know it feels like your mom is being really rude, but she is just trying to help you. It is all too easy for ED to make us throw away food when nobody is looking :(
Hope you have a nice relaxing night.
Maddi, I you really need to meet your calorie goals hun :/ It is just not sustainable to stay at such a low intake. I will promise you that the sooner you up your cals and gain weight, that ED voice will get quieter and quieter...
i hate hate hate when people are "over me" when i am eating or even cooking... it ROWLS up my ED voice and makes eating 29348534 times harder... seem like you handled it well though minus the fuss... please despise your ED voice and continue to meet and exceed the food your body is starving for!
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