Just a little pic I drew. :)
FINALLY I had the energy to actually want to get out of bed this morning! WOOHOO!!! This terrible virus that was keeping me weaker than weak has finally lifted and i can enjoy some things once again!! ya, basically from Friday the second I got home from school till this morning I was in bed all day with the exception of getting up to stuff my face, or take a walk. Pretty boring for spring break if you ask me, but maybe my body was just giving me a little warning by making me sick so all i could do was lay around!What have I been up too besides sleeping this last weekend. um, well, on Saturday i was NOT ok, bleh, dont want to remember that day..When I wasnt sleeping tho I was reading. I read thru the book Three by Ted Dekker in ONE day!!! :p Really intense book! Also I read Pictures of Hollis Woods in a day-doesnt take long, its a small book. I've been reading a lot of Psalms too. My heart really really needs a pick-me-up, and while reading the Word doesnt fix all of my problems, it helps me to see HOPE, and it brings me closer to the LORD. I have also done some art. :) Tulips, tulips, tulips....love em!! :)
Also the night before last we were invited to a friends house for dinner and there were some graduates from my school who I know hanging out there and they were all so friendly to me and my sis!! Like, I know them because its a small school, but i dont really know know them, yet they were all really friendly and included me, and I felt like a part of their group!! It was awesome! We watched The Prestige, and this guy Adam took me home after since my parentals had left, and he said he would call me when they were going to float the river because we had been talking about that and i expressed that I had never done that before! :) yaya!
Today i woke up, did some drawing, got dressed and ready, and around 11 c and I walked to Starbucks and got dark cherry fraps. They werent nearly as good as the ones in China! :( Im sure they make them different, and i was a but bummed. O well, but i cant wait to get my usually next time! I missed it today! ;) After us and mom and the two little ones went to Walla Walla park. I walked Chiro around the trail while the kids played, and after we went to Jeepers for lunch! Yum, i got a pesto bagel, it was perty tasty! Then we went to the Milners! Madelyn had invited C over, and I was like whoa??? Can i go hang with Abbi?? So my mom asked and that was ok! :) It was sooo fun, I wish we had got more time! We went on a hike back behind their house, and Abbi and i continued on past the caves and hiked to the very top of the huge hill! The view from the topp was spectacular, you could see the whole Wenatchee Valley! Not as amaze as the view from Mission Ridge, but still, fantastic! If I lived there i would take my drawing stuff and bring it to the top and just draw to my hearts content! After we had a snack, and i drew a pretty tulip picture, but i left it there, oops, then we made some prank calls, lol, and then walked to a Walmart and bought some hard candies and life savers. And Abbi and i split a SoyJoy bar, quite good. We started to walk back home but Mrs. Milner came and picked up C and I and took us home. :( But i was starting to get really tired, so it was ok with me. Well, hope all of your weeks are going fantabulous!! :)
1 comment:
SO glad to hear you are doing better now Maddi :] What a bad way to start out spring break!!!
I am at school now so I can't see your picture :( the stupid filter!!!!
I am reading a lot of Psalms too :) It is so great because it is just such pretty writing, and so uplifting!!
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