ok, I learned a very important fact about myself and my ed. I have no clue how to eat normal!!! Like AT ALL! So I was doing ok during school, actually, not quite since i was slowly losing weight, but still I was doing ok, and it wasnt too hard for me to bring my weight up if i needed too. I thought i had control, eating at the same time every day, and the same amount. but heck no!! It all started on Tuesday when I had a bowl of cereal with non lactose-free milk. STUPID!!!! I havent had regular milk in forever, and i guess i forgot why! Omg, I had a terrible stomach ache for the next three hours, through drivers ed. :p By the time we got to Chelan my tummy finally didnt hurt so I ate a TON. idk why even. I guess just because my tummy had been hurting so bad. Bah, it sucked. So then the next morning i swam for two and a 1/2 hours in the places pool, after having a good breakfast. Too big by my standards, but i was like 600 cals, which i guess is pretty normal. Then i also went for a walk. I was doing good, thankful that i could work off all the cals from the night befores binge, but then i binged again, Argh, lets just say the rest of the week, from wed. to Fri. i binged. On Fri. I ate like 15 cookies and that woke me up and i realized i really needed to stop. So i didnt eat the rest of that day, then not a lot on Saturday, and i havent had much today, so now i am back to a better weight, although i am now trying to lose weight. And i dont even care, even tho i know its the wrong path to go back down. but I dont care. bleh. So eating is now back on track. Well, it is far from normal, since now i am hardly eating anything, but at least now i have self control.
So other than stressful eating, Lake Chelan was fun. i swam, and walked along the beach, and on Thur. we ate at a yummy pizza place. I got a veggie calzone. unfortunately i didnt have my camera w/ me so no photos. Then C and I went to the pottery place. i painted a cool mug/bowl that i am going to use for my daily bowl of oats. :D I cant wait to get it back! The lady has to glaze it first, then i think she might deliver it since she has a kid who does sports here. yay. I didnt exactly get to finish it as much as i wanted to because i had drivers ed. :/ but it wil be super cute! Also, we watched the Olympics a lot. That was such a treat since we dont have TV. i got to see Evan Lysachek win the gold in figure skating. he was soooo crazy good! I wish i could figure skate. It was awesome!

Seattle was fun fun!!! i hardly ate anything the whole weekend, probly bout 2000 cals in the few days, and i got a lot of walking in, so i dont feel so fat like i did in the middle of last week. When we got there we went to Garrisons state swim meet. His relay team made it to the finals which were on Sat. I really enjoyed watching the diver. They were so good. i cant wait to dive again. Next season is coming fast tho. Seeing the skinny guys, even tho they were guys, made me feel sooo huge tho. Like, i feel like i have to be really skinny to be a good diver, because that way i wont make the water splash all huge and ugly.
We spent the night at a hotel that night, and watched more Olympics. The next morning C and dad went and got breakfast at mcD's. I passed on that. Then we took the Sounder train to downtown and me and C walked around Pikes Place and the Water front. i was so bummed, i left my camera in the van at home. :( It was such a sunny beautiful day, and there were soooo many people out. For lunch i got a veggie yeero from a greek place, minus the cheese and saucy stuff, but w/ hummus. YUM! I love hummus. The guy must have sensed i was not wanting dairy, because when i told him i didnt want the cheese, he told me the sauce was milk based, and asked if i wante hummus instead. I was so glad he asked, and i went with the hummus. It was tasty! me and C then walked into the city and caught a bus up to Queen Ann hill to go to my Aunt and uncles house while my dad went to the pool to watch Gars final. We got lost on Queen Ann. Haha, we went on the wrong side of the hill, so we were on second N, instead of W. Oops! we found a park and swang for a while, then finally figured out our mistake. That was a lot of walking. This morning we just got ready, then while C was at her audition we went to *bucks and i got my fave drink. Then it was home sweet home, after looking at a house that my parents are thinking about buying. :/ i dont want to move again! Whatever. So i am going to go. i have so much more to write. but my arms are tired and i have to get ready for the week. *sigh* long week. Glad its over, but sad all the same. Anyway, tootles!
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