A water color painting of Saddle Rock mountain, done by me in art the other day! I usually dont like water color, it just never seems to turn out how I wanted it too...some part of my perfectionism I suppose, and wanting more control. But to tell you the truth I really enjoyed this project, I just let the brush fly and take the painting wherever it wanted, and I let myself be happy with the results! :) Saddle rock is a mountain that is in the valley that is really fun to hike! :) But this picture doesnt really display rain now does it? ;)
And yes, it is raining! :D I. LOVE. RAIN. And yesterday it rained too, it poured for at least an hour, and rained a good portion of the day, and now it is pouring again today! I love it when it rains in the evening! Ah, so peaceful, I cant get enough rain...lol
Life is going! Seriously! On Monday I had work, this time I wasnt exactly being trained but this nice guy Travis watched me to make sure I got it all right. I did! Oh, except for splashing hot dirty fat and grease and such from the grill...oops, I was trying to take it out to dump, thats part of cleaning the grill, but it was SO full, so when I pulled it out it sloshed!!! It missed me tho, and was easy enough to clean up, so it wasnt so bad! I had to have Travis dump it for me tho, it was way too full and REALLY heavy! Other then that little mishap it went well!
I was so bummed to miss swimming on Monday, and then I had to go 20 minutes late on Tuesday! :( I had to miss the whole warm-up, which looked like a lot of fun. It was a 1,000, being divided between swim, kick, and drill. I was really bummed to have missed that, it would have been good endurance training. :P But the rest of practise was good. Urg tho, there were some girls who wouldnt shut up, and Darcy kept telling them to be quiet but they wouldnt listen! :P Whatever tho, at least Sierra was there, altho Danielle wasnt. I love her, she is so nice and mature. She also helped me again with flip turns, which is great because I am not so great at those! ;) I wanted to go to group training, which is just dry land at the gym, but I have to babysit the kids. O well, at least I get to swim tomorrow! :)
Another art project we did at school! Tiles, and you got to choose your design, which is nice considering we usually all have to do the same thing! :) I gave this to my mom for mothers day!
Ok, I HAVE to share this! I am so proud of myself! I havent stepped on the scale in 5 whole days!!!! :D Like WOW, I havent gone that long except for when I was in Mexico and Tennessee! :) So the fact that is sitting downstairs, right next to the freezer where I get my(as of a few nights ago when we bought it!)nightly snack of ice-cream, and I STILL resist the temptation to step on, is really something I am proud of! :D And I plan to not weigh myself until of course this Friday, when I have a T appt., and she always weights me. So ya, big news! Its a bit nerve racking tho, having to wait till Friday! I honestly have no clue what I weigh...I'm guessing its going to be around an 18 BMI. The last time I weighed it was about 18.2, and even tho I should be heading in the up direction, I feel like I have lost a little...:S So I am not proud of that...But I look in the mirror, and when I am not listening to the lies, I see that I AM too thin. :/ Ed LOVES that, so much, and just says that if I have lost weight on what I am eating, which leaves me not hungry much through the day(I have been eating when I am hungry, and tho I am still counting calories and such, I am listening to my body's signals)then I should just continue to eat this way and slowly shed pounds. Which in reality, I cant afford to do! But I am sure I have lost, even just a little, between the swimming and school and work. I DO have a big bowl of ice cream every night, so that should help! I just have to wait till Friday, then I will find out how I have been doing...Also I got my period back! I didnt know that could happen at the weight I am at, but I guess that means it is a healthy weight for me, even with swimming??? I hope!
School is going better! I have tackled all those assignments and I feel on top of it all! Like I am understanding math, and am caught up in bible, and there is a big paper due for biology next week, and it takes a lot of time and research, but I absolutely love biology, so I dont mind a bit!
Well, gotta go and babysit! :) Only about 2 hours, so not bad, and I got my homework done, so just playing with the kids then I will finish reading the good book I started yesterday, then off to a night of hopefully sound sleep! Which, btw, I have had the last 2 nights! Yay! Naomi is finally being more quiet and sleeping through the night! I hope it becomes habit! ;)
Love to all, I hope you are all doing ok and finding happiness in each and every day!
Sorry I can't think of much to say because I'm still wowed speechless by your fabulous painting! Oh my gosh you are so talented...and very pretty too :-)
Sarah xx
I am glad you like the rain living in Washington! That is a must ;)
Congrats on not weighing yourself!!!!! I am so proud!!!!!! That is awesome!!!! enough !! don't you think ;p Really though it is great and you should be proud of your accomplishment.
Keep on staying strong and hanging in there Maddi.
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