Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Versatile blogger award! :)

So thankyou Scott for the versatile blogger award! :)

1. Thank the person who gave it to you
2. Write 7 facts about yourself
3. Award it to 15 other people!

Haha, I thanked Scott already so here are 7 facts!

1. Our family doesn't have TV...:( we wath movies on the laptop...
2. I've been to Nepal, Thailand, Japan, Mexico, China(twice), and Canada...:D
3. I had braces for exactly 3 years and 3 days
4. I did competitive gymnastics for at least 5 years
5. I have had 3 hamsters, 4 bunnies, 2 parakeets, 2 beta fish, 1 rat, 1 guinea pig, and 4 chickens, which have all died. But the two cats and the sheltie dog are still alive and well! :)
6. I lived in a tiny hick town, Hazard, Kentucky, when I was about 3 and almost died there when I got really sick too! D:
7. I had my gallbladder removed when I was just 6 months old!

Ok, so I will pass this on to 15 people, although most of them don't read my blog so they won't even know! ;)
Scott(I know, you gave it to me already but I can't think of anyone else! ;))

love you all! :)



mariposai said...

Wow you are well travelled! I'd love to see more of the world :-)

Am I the Sarah in your list? If not I apologise for assuming this ;)

Sarah x

Alexis said...

Thanks, Maddi! I love getting these things!

I bet your Sheltie is supercute... I love dogs, and miss mine so much. I do have an orange tabby cat now though, and I love him. He is really social for a cat!

And it is awesome that you have travelled that much! I have been to Thailand as well (and Laos... never Nepal, though!) It is also one of my dreams to go to the traditional parts of Japan where the culture is still so rich.

fastbikes16 said...

wow, no tv!?! I don't watch a lot, but I always watch some...I am so sorry ;)

You sure have traveled!! I think that is just absolutely amazing! after being to germany, this makes me want to go even more places, you are so so lucky!

and thanks for passing the award back, I appreciate it :)

We should skype soon ok? We haven't talked in FOREVER!!


Trying To Heal said...

haha...i have had no tv for long periods of time off and on...thank goodness for internet eh? :) and laptops for movies.

congrats on the reward!