Wednesday, June 30, 2010

sketches! :)


This morning I went swimming. 6 to 8 am! :p Its also long course, which I really DON'T like, but I am pushing myself to go anyway. I have only gone to 4 summer practises tho, for various reasons. Today was my first time this week because I have been too tired! Tired because 1.) I have worked EVERY night this week!, and 2.) I started my art class this week!!! :D

Art: The first day was just introduction, then the teacher sent us off to buy supplies. His name is Mr. Bailey, and he is really nice! He has been teaching for 15 years!!! So I expect it will be really good! My classmates are all guys, men actually, which is kinda creepy...So I wont be giving any of them any personal details. If they want to talk about art that is ok, but nothing more!

Yesterday we did some neat exercises like blind contour drawing, and semi blind contour drawing. Blind is when you don't look at the page at all, only at the thing you are looking at. We did that with drawings of our hands! :) Mine actually looked like hands unlike everyone else's, so I was kinda proud of that! :) Then we did semi-blind contour drawings of the top of a plastic lady model. that was so neat, semi is when you can look at the paper a little, you just cant look as you are drawing. We did several of those and I really liked how mine turned out! :)

For class we have to FILL an entire sketch book!!! D: I will try posting pictures in another post-for some reason blogger isnt letting me upload any. :/

Eating wise things have been hard, for a specific reason, so at least I know why. I don't want to end my post not explaining, but I should be watching the kiddos now! I will do a separate post about that tho...:/

I have missed blogging, it is just kinda hard to feel motivated to during the summer! But once we hit fall it will probably be closer to daily, rather than weekly! :)

Hope everyone is well as good be!


1 comment:

fastbikes16 said...

Maddi, I am sorry your eating hasn't been going so great. But I am glad you are enjoying yourself! Just remember how much better your life is now when you nourish yourself, and let that moyivate you.

