Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rain and Sun, all in one...

hi! The last few days have sort of been a blur! I worked last night and was trained to do that new job. Not by Karli unfortunately, but by a girl named Alyssa. She was nice tho, and I enjoyed working with her! This new job entails A LOT of walking, and my feet were sore by the end, but I will get used to it. It is fun. You determine what tray goes to who based on the name and number, and serve it to the patient, and it is so much fun to just smile at them and tell them to enjoy their meal, and just bring a little sunshine into their dull hospital room! Even tho it is a tiring job, I really think I am going to enjoy doing it! Tomorrow I am doing it again, this time with Karli, and she said something that makes me think she is pretty much going to leave it to me! D: AHHH, I am not ready to do it on my own yet! I will have to tell her that!

The weather has been pretty wild here! It goes between rainy and sunny, and hot and cold, in the same day! Its pretty crazy, but I dont mind! This afternoon it was POURING, and I went out and jumped on the trampoline! That was so much fun, I was rolling around in the huge puddle that had gathered on it! lol...I love rain. I cant wait to live in Seattle some day! :D

I have gained a bit more weight. I know I need to, rationally. Between 2 hours of swimming at 6 am, to 2 hours and 20 mins of an art class at the college(Mon-Thur), and 3 and a half hours of work in the evening, I am going to need a little bit of a cushion, in case I lose weight, so that I am not stuck at an unhealthy weight! At least I am telling myself that...I cant decide if it is just to make myself not feel guilty about gaining weight, or if I really believe it. Maybe a little of both...Today was pretty hard with body image. All throughout classes I couldnt help but feel like I had giant thighs. Then at home later my hips seemed enormous. But then I had this realization that I am still skinny! I look in the mirror, and I am still skinny! Honestly! It is all balanced, God made our bodies very special, and the fat doesnt all gather in the same place!!! Sure, maybe there is a bit more in some places then others, but that is unique to each person, and God created that person to look like that for a reason! The problem is that today I was focusing on that one section of fat, instead of looking at my body as a whole. If we all scrutinize and study each individual part of our bodies, we will NEVER be happy! God made us have complete bodies, we arent defined by the size of our thighs, or the length of our legs, or the color of our hair and eyes. We are people, created in His image, and health and happiness is what is important. In class today a question of why we are on earth was answered. "We are here to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." I thought that was really interesting, and also really true!

Well, I am looking forward to work tomorrow! Then Friday I have a T appt. and either my brothers graduation, or the Truth Project thing at Karli's. I really hope that the times dont conflict, because if they do I would have to go to the graduation, and quite frankly I would rather go to Karli's! I would rather spend my time learning about the Truth and spending time with fellow believers then watching a bunch of high school graduates walk across a stage! ;) Ok, so maybe thats a little harsh, but o well! ;)

Thanks for all of your sweet comments! :D Keep plugging away at recovery and your goals, whether it be eating or taking care of other hard issues in your life. :)


Unknown said...

i think you are a ROCK STAR-- bc you are able to recognize what your body NEEDS (despite what you may sometimes want) when you are more active.. a lot of times we underestimate the everyday activities and how it affects our bodies.

enjoy your thursday
xo bec

fastbikes16 said...

you always make me in such a great mood! I love it that you are so in tune with what you need to glorify god :)

Keep it up!!
