Fryyyyyyday!!! ;)
Today I had a T
appt. First in two weeks, without a phone
in between. And it was actually really good! She weighed me but I
didnt look, and she said that I am still at a low weight for my height, but its a healthy weight. Like, it is healthy number wise, but she would want me to gain. Anyway, I am happy that I am at an
ok place, and I am happy that I
didnt look at the number, which made it so I
wouldnt binge! :)
At the beginning of the
appt. I did something different! K(my T) has two rats who live in her office. They live in a cage that is on this counter, and the cage door is open so they come and go as they please and even go in this really neat old dollhouse that is on the counter. They were running around(even tho they are nocturnal they seem to always be out when I am there!) and I asked if I could hold one! One is named Pixie, and she is older and more calm, and the other is Tweet, and she is like the teenager!
Thats what K says of her at least, and I would have to agree. While I held Pixie, Tweet was trying to find a way off the counter, so K and I watched as she climbed over the barrier that was up, and very ungracefully jump to the floor! It was really funny, and we had to build a better barrier with books! I was afraid Tweet would get hurt, but apparently rats can fall about 30 feet without getting injured! Crazy no?? Oh, and these rats are dwarf rats, so they are really cute, instead of big and ugly. They are also super smart! They
dont poop all over, and they
dont bite, and they are just 100% adorable! K breeds them, so when my super old cat dies I might get one! I would have to wait because my mom wont allow another pet in the house until one of the 3 we have is gone! Sorry Cloe, but your time on this earth is almost up! She is about 14 yrs. old!!! Holy cow!!!
Anywhoo, the rest of the
appt. went well, and we worked together to come up with some things that will prevent me from going to extremes with eating, i.e.
binging, or starving. That was good, and I really think that the ideas should work well! One of them is that I read the bible when I get home from school. I think that would be good because often I binge when I get home from school(the days that I binge that is, its not that often) because I feel really lonely! And besides, reading the bible twice a day would actually be a great habit to get into!
After the
appt. my mom and I went to Whole Foods for lunch!!!! AH, I. LOVE. THAT. STORE.
Omg, it was my first time going there, and it was HUGE and FULL of so many AMAZING foods! Like wow! Unfortunately we had to get home right away, so we only had time to grab lunch, but I would have loved to shop around a bit! Someday! For lunch I had salad bar with things such as egg, and
quinoa. I am a huge fan of
quinoa! And for dessert I had the dark chocolate
rasberry flavored
Dagoba chocolate bar. Ah, it was so so good. I
didnt bring my camera this trip so no pictures.
I drove most the way home, then when we got home it was time to go to G's graduation. His girlfriend, H, came along with us. It was SO boring!!! :P I am sorry, but the speakers were awful, even the
valedictorian who gave a speech was terrible at giving speeches! Seeing that made me so thankful for the education I have gotten at the River Academy!!! Ugh, I was so bummed, I had really been looking forward to going to the Truth Project at K's but instead I had to watch 404 students be handed their diplomas.
Woop di didi doo...:P Oh well...
Tomorrow is the Apple Capital swim meet! I am
sososososo nervous!!! :S Its my first meet...I have to be there at 10:30 tomorrow morning, and I have 4 events, tho I doubt I will be able to finish them all because I have work at 4:30. Lame.
Buuuut, K is working that night too, so I am looking forward to seeing her there! She is working the same job as me, except they are called different names, but you do the same thing. See, it goes by numbers. So I am now able to work job 20, 21, and 22. 20 and 21 are the same job, only they need two people doing it. :) So I will see her in passing! ;)
Ok, well I best be heading to bed, I have a VERY long day ahead of me tomorrow. Oh, did I mention the swim meet is outside, and that the weather has been very cold lately?? Um, ya,
Ok, I'm off and away! :)