Thursday, July 29, 2010

There was a HUGE thunderstorm last night!!! :D Just thought I would share! Did anyone else have a storm where they were?? Btw, I LOVE thunderstorms, but it was sad because I was stuck inside working when it was pouring rain, I wanted to go run outside so bad. Also there was a code red=fire-at the hospital last night, which was a little startling but everything was ok. I also saw my swim coach there because her dad was in Critical Care. :(
Anyway, it was a exciting afternoon!

Today I am babysitting the sibs, going to my art class, working on a drawing that is due Monday, and going to Costco to exchange my malfunctioning ipod touch that I JUST got! (and I really wish I could post from). A good summer day in my book, maybe I will go for a walk with my mom somewhere in there too, its hot tho, so probably late in the evening...:)

Got to go, have a wonderful day everyone!!! And sorry for my absence , I have reasons behind, and I will share them when the times comes...:)


1 comment:

Lucie said...

aww, maddi, it's great to hear from you! personally i love thunderstorms, but when the lightening starts striking nearby i get scared. we had a thunderstorm last night, too, although it was a small one. love you! :)